Friday, January 7, 2022

Solar Power

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[T]he sun...rejoices like a champion to run its course. Psalm 19

They worshipped, back then,
a super-heated globe
of hydrogen.

Even late last summer
on a bike trail, cranking under clouds
like grimy semis bumper to bumper,

when that globe cut through
and curbed the shadows,
made drab and listless trees snap to,

bringing out green and yellow flags they'd made,
I saluted my escort and surged,
an elated, abbreviated motorcade.

Image by Susan Rouse.

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I regret that 27 people read an earlier version of this that now makes me cringe. Since I posted that one, I've learned that you should lead with the metaphor you believe in the most, and cut out the rest. Also, if you have to explain it in commentary, then you've left out something important. This revision is from May 17. - WSS

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