Saturday, January 8, 2022

Long Division

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One playful dog and I
divided by

7 hours’ class
plus 3 of practice
plus 2 commutes (rainy, dark, and cold)


me, jogging up the steps
dropping my books at the top

plus Mia
prancing at the open door, ball in her teeth,


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I wrote the poem in 2019 to demonstrate for seventh graders that a poem and a math equation have a lot in common. I explain more at my blog here.

For a wonderful Christmas gift, Susan commissioned her art teacher Donna Shiver to draw these memorials to our beloved dogs Luis and Mia (the one with the black and white markings). These are charcoal on wood.

How dogs bless us is a theme I've developed in many posts on my blog The Word Sanctuary. See a curated list of links to many reflections on dogs in general and my dogs in particular with cute pictures on my page Loving Dogs. -WSS

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