Sunday, October 9, 2022

Ode to Paul (song parody)

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to the tune of Beethoven's Hymn to Joy

Grateful, grateful, we salute thee
Maestro Kelley known as "Paul."

Though the hours did not suit thee,
still you gave this job your all.

During COVID, you were devoted,
playing for priests online alone.

Now, at last, you've been demoted
to a humble baritone.

 from the words of Hymn 376 by Henry Van Dyke

[Photo: Paul Kelley and son in Spain]

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I wrote this for parishioners to sing at a reception for Paul on his last Sunday as interim organist-choirmaster.

For a private choir party before Paul's long-postponed vacation in France, I wrote another parody, We Sing Because We're the Choir of Paul. - WSS

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Alternate Route

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Seventy mph with windows open
as friendly NPR reported hope
in Nick -- on death row over thirty years,
a mediator, nurse to disabled prisoners --
while from my left the deep blue dome of night
was closing over orange sunset to my right,
I topped a ridge and in the instant slammed
my brakes. Six lanes of blinking red were jammed

as far as I could see. No backing out; too late
to ask my phone to find an alternate.
Between "1999" from a neighboring Mustang
and a Silverado's country twang,
I heard from Nick: This is it. My life. This place.
I choose to be an instrument of peace.

The Mustang wanted to cut. I gave him room.
He smiled, thumb up, eased in, and raised the volume.

Image by Susan Rouse.

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